This image shows Alexey Cheptsov

Alexey Cheptsov


Head of SAS department


Allmandring 30A
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 0.149


  • Compute Infrastructures
    • Compute Cluster/Server (HPE, CISCO, etc.)
    • Storage (NetAPP, IBM, etc.)
    • Interconnects (Infiniband, Fiberchannel, etc.)
  • Date Center Technologies
    • NFS (Network File Systems)
    • Object Stores (S3)
    • Longtime Archiving (ISP, HPSS)
  • Private Cloud Architectures
    • OpenStack
    • OpenNebula
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
    • MPI, OpenMP, etc.
    • Kubernetes, Kafka, etc.
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