Desktop-Management: IT for your Workplace
IT-Support for Central Administration and Institutions
The University of Stuttgart’s TIK only fully supports the workplaces of the central administration, of central institutions and some faculties and institutes. Support includes equipping the workplace with hardware (e.g. PCs, laptops or headsets) and software as well as supporting these. The multipurpose devices that are able to print, scan and copy, as well as the smaller workplace-printers, are leased via a framework agreement and are being supported by the provider.
Hardware and Software for Faculties and Institutes
Institutes are responsible for equipping their own workplaces with hardware. For several software products licenses can be purchased via TIK. Furthermore, we provide advice concerning the topics of data storage, back-up, archives and file-service.
For individual institutions as well as faculty 1 we provide full workplace support on the basis of individual agreements. We arrange the equipment with hardware and basic software and take care of IT-problems. We support both Windows- and Apple-hardware. The multipurpose devices that are able to print, scan and copy, are leased via a framework agreement and are being supported by the provider.
Overview of our Desktop-Management-Services
For more information, documentation, FAQs and support-addresses please choose the appropriate services from the boxes below. You cannot find what you are looking for? Please refer to our list of all services.