
Service for employees and students


Computer workstations operated by the TIK are available to students throughout the campus. Employees can book these for courses and exercises.

Important notice

The PC pools are now available again for use outside of events. They are usually open on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. If required, lecturers can borrow keys or transponders from the central service department of Department 6. The hygiene concept of the University of Stuttgart applies to the rooms. (Status: 17.10.2022)

Scope of functions

  • Free use during opening hours
  • Modern hardware equipment
  • Study-relevant software equipment
  • Room booking for courses and exercises
  • Printing, scanning, copying at the pool printers
  • webprint@stud.uni-stuttgart.de to any printer with card reader
  • Printing via eduroam for students
  • Print jobs from the PC pools to the S-Kopierlädle

Booking for courses

The PC pools can be booked directly via C@MPUS. If it is a normal course, please ask your responsible timetable officer to create a course in C @ MPUS and to request an appointment for a PC pool. This is the only way to ensure that the dates appear in the students' timetable. If it is a special event, please book the room via C @ MPUS and use the following instructions: TIK PC-Pools buchen.  
After you have created the room request via C @ MPUS, please send an email with the hardware and software requirements for your course no later than 4 weeks before the respective course to support@stud.uni-stuttgart.de. If requests are received later, we cannot guarantee that the software requirements can be implemented in time for the start of the course. Please note that the virtual desktops in the PC pools are usually only equipped as follows: 2-3 CPU cores, 8 GB RAM. If your software has significantly higher requirements, please contact us in good time.


Frequently asked questions

Registration at the pool computers is only possible for students of the Universität Stuttgart.

To register on the pool computers, proceed as follows:

  1. Switch on the computer
  2. Enter short student user ID (st123456)
  3. Enter corresponding password

Employees receive a special login when booking the room in order to use the computers for events.

No, it is not possible to register as a guest at the pool computers, as registration is only possible with a student account of the Universität Stuttgart.

An account for using the pool, e.g. for lectures, can be applied for by employees of the Universität Stuttgart.

A registration is only possible with a student account!

If your registration with your student account fails, first check your password by logging in with your account on one of the university websites. If the password works, try another computer in the pool. If the problem occurs again, please come to an office of the user advisory service.

Since the equipment is leased, an external company is responsible for supporting the printers. A telephone number and e-mail address can be found on each device.

If the toner is empty or if there is a major defect, the company is automatically notified and takes care of the maintenance in a timely manner.

Lost property is only accepted and managed by the lost property office of the property management. How to get there is described on the building management page.

Further informations on the PC workrooms

From 2021 the "Universe pool" will be used as a maker space and will no longer be used as a PC work space. It can no longer be booked for courses. Furthermore, we would like to point out that it is forbidden to bring and consume drinks and food in the TIK's PC pools.

Montag - Freitag:
7:00 - 23:00 Uhr
7:00 - 12:00

Raumbelegungsplan und Buchung in C@MPUS

C@MPUS Belegungsplan gesamter Raum

C@MPUS Belegungsplan Raum mit Beamer

C@MPUS Belegungsplan Raum mit Beamer + Erweiterung

  • 68 Computerarbeitsplätze
  • Terminalsäule mit 6 Plätzen
  • Scanner
  • Kopierkartendrucker
  • Schulungsraum mit Projektor
    (12 Plätze + 1 Dozentenplatz)
Spezielle Software
  • Matlab

Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart

Montag - Freitag:
7:30 - 19:00 Uhr

Raumbelegungsplan und Buchung in C@MPUS

C@MPUS Belegungsplan

  • 18 Computerarbeitsplätze
  • Kopierkartendrucker
Spezielle Software
  • Matlab

Raum 2.270
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart

Montag - Freitag:
7:30 - 18:00 Uhr

Raumbelegungsplan und Buchung in C@MPUS

C@MPUS Belegungsplan

  • 23 Computerarbeitsplätze
  • Schulungsraum mit Projektor
Spezielle Software
  • Gas Turb
  • GAMS
  • Matlab
  • Solid Edge

Raum 0.24
Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart

Montag - Freitag:
8:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Sa. & So. :
10:00 - 22:00

Dieser Raum ist nicht für Übungen oder Lehrveranstaltungen buchbar.

  • 40 Computerarbeitsplätze
  • Kopierkartendrucker

1. Stock
Holzgartenstraße 16
70174 Stuttgart

Montag - Freitag:
7:30 - 22:30 Uhr

Raumbelegungsplan und Buchung in C@MPUS

C@MPUS Belegungsplan

  • 36 Computerarbeitsplätze
  • Schulungsraum mit Projektor
Spezielle Software
  • Amos
  • Citavi
  • MaxQDA
  • SPSS
  • LaTex

Raum 2.093
Seidenstraße 36
70174 Stuttgart

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