Frequently asked questions about the lecture­recording (opencast)

Technical Information and Communication Services

Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers regarding lecture/event recording.

Welcome to the FAQ section. Here you will find all questions and answers about the services. If you have further questions, please contact our support.

Frequently asked questions: Lecture Capture (Opencast)

To have your event recorded, create an ILIAS course for this event. Add the Opencast object from the magazine. Then please fill in this form. This is necessary to ensure that you actually agree to the recording of your event. We will then contact you to verify your request.

You have various options for releasing access to events that have taken place:

  1. ILIAS: The lecture recording will be made available to the students in the corresponding ILIAS course which is part of the course. Thus the recording can only be accessed by members of the course and can be unlocked or hidden at any time.
  2. Public link: After recording, the lecturer will be provided with a link to the lecture recording so that it can be published on the institute's homepage, for example. The lecture can then be accessed by anyone who has the link.
  3. Download: After the recording, the lecture recording is sent to the teacher for download, so that the recording can be edited manually.

In our user interface you can readjust the beginning and end of the lecture by hand. Further processing tasks are usually not necessary, so that you do not have to do any additional work.

In case of malfunctions and technical problems in the lecture halls, please contact Hörsaaltechnik (Lecture hall technology).

A recording of the event is possible at any time and for testing purposes.

Please note: In this case it is an unannounced recording. To receive your recording material, you must contact the Support. Otherwise, this data will not be processed and delivered.

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